Time management: 6 tactics to be more efficient!

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What can you do in 24 hours? Learning a new language, playing a sport and studying are some examples, right? If you think about it, 24 hours is a long time! But, when not used correctly, this period can turn into wasted time. To become a successful person and achieve your goals, there is no secret, you need to pay attention to time management!

That’s what we’re here for: we’ll present seven unmissable tips on such time management. Want to see how to turn that hourglass in your favor? So come with us!

What is time management?

Time management is knowing how to balance the activities of your routine and having some control over your own life. It’s knowing where you’re going and what you need to do to get there. We will show, further on, how to face this journey.

For now, let’s imagine a dawn: the Earth rotated and the sun was reflected in the moon, giving rise to another day. This happens daily, and we have no control over this change. However, we can, yes, control what we do with this new day that we receive.

Time management, then, is about understanding that today’s effort will likely pay off tomorrow. Therefore, the lesson is not to give up and to know how to prioritize your activities!

Today is the realization of the tomorrow dreamed of yesterday! And to make the most of our 24 hours a day, we can use some techniques tested and approved by people who study time management and its positive impacts. Want to know what they are? We will introduce the seven now. Check out!

What are the tactics for good time management?

Currently, what we see most on the internet are manuals and guidelines on how to make a killer time management. However, our goal here is not to make promises, it’s to help you achieve your goals by organizing your routine!

And honestly, without proper time management it is almost impossible for someone to achieve their dreams! Unless you are fortunate, heir to property or a person who shouldn’t even be looking for a higher education.

Of course, there are people who don’t need to worry about simple everyday tasks — such as preparing meals, cleaning the house, etc. — and so they have more time to devote to their studies or any other activity they want to do.

But those who have a clear objective, even if they are in the situation described above, need a strategy, a tactic.

Want to go to that college? Getting the job you’ve been dreaming of through Sisu? Is Enem the gateway to fulfilling your higher education dream? So know that tactics start with planning.

1. Make a plan

How will you manage to manage time without proper planning? It’s a bit contradictory, don’t you think? So, nothing better than organizing your thoughts and ideas, defining your goals and taking them seriously.

A simple and efficient idea is to record your thoughts, either through a spreadsheet or even on a sheet of paper. Write down where you want to be, where you want to be in five years, what you want to accomplish, etc. These are realistic projections according to your wishes!

2. Keep your feet on the ground

It’s no use crying, grumbling, much less getting upset… To manage your time well, you need discipline, knowing how to prioritize and, most importantly, learning to let go of certain habits.

So, keep your feet on the ground. Maybe you want to do a lot of things within those 24 hours, but you need to take it easy and take it slow, prioritizing activities that will help you reach the goals you wrote in the previous topic.

3. Practice physical activities

Nothing better than physical activity to improve our productivity. That’s because, when we exercise, the brain releases noradrenaline, endorphin and dopamine, substances that promote the feeling of well-being, help with concentration and promote focus.

So, when managing time, take a moment to dedicate yourself to activities that are good for you and increase your physical and mental endurance.

4. Make your bed

It may sound whimsical, but it’s not! Making your bed first thing in the morning is a sign of motivation, it shows that you are getting ready to have a productive day and focused on your goals.

As we have already seen, time management is directly related to the organization , and this also includes its space. Making your bed will give you a small sense of pride and satisfaction, encouraging you to complete various other tasks throughout the day.

In addition, developing this small habit can trigger the emergence of several others, thus helping to improve your productivity.

5. Invest in studies

When time management is applied, minutes, hours and days become partners from start to finish, always directed towards one goal: your approval. Whether it’s Exam, vestibular, via Sisu, it doesn’t matter, if one day your ordeal comes, it will be because of your effort to studies.

So don’t forget about it. Education is a good investment and improves the quality of life, regardless of the chosen career.

6. Avoid social media

Nothing worse than social media to feed procrastination and anxiety. Anyone who wants to put time management into practice should rethink the periods dedicated to social networks.

During your trajectory, if social networks are not necessary for the search for new opportunities, use them only for a family or very peculiar purpose, always keeping an eye on your projections.

Yes, time management is also linked to the images we transmit to the world! Avoiding social media — or decreasing the frequency of access — can be a good tip!