How to study alone at home in 3 phases

Coursera Courses Education Programs

Is it possible to pass a competitive entrance exam without taking a face-to-face course, living in the countryside, without good schools and preparatory courses?

Not only is it possible, it can be a great option. When studying with an online course , you see the material at your own speed, emphasize the subjects you need most, and review each class as often as you like.

Of course, studying alone works when you have discipline, and you don’t need someone there by your side pushing you to study. If you fit that profile, keep reading!

Studying at home is mainly based on 3 factors:

  • Online classes;
  • Written materials (books or handouts);
  • Old evidence.

Online Classes

In the traditional study method, you go to the cram school, attend classes scheduled for the day, with several interruptions and without the right to choose.

While in the cram school you would enter a rhythm dictated by the teachers, in the study alone, the online classes will be dosed by you, depending on how much information you are absorbing (you can pause the video, remember a content in the book or watch and review the same class etc. ).

Just like in a per kilo restaurant buffet, in online classes you get what you want, what you need most, as if it were a buffet of knowledge. That way, you don’t run the risk of attending classes on subjects you already understand well, and don’t stop learning what’s still missing.

Books and handouts

For competitive entrance exams, where you need a good load of content, it is essential to stock up on good materials. You don’t need to spend a fortune for this.

old evidence

In order to pass a competitive entrance exam, it is necessary to go through 3 phases:

In phase 1 , you only study new subjects; in phase 2 you start doing the old tests and in phase 3 you focus 80% of your time on old and simulated tests.

By taking old exams, you will learn:

  • As the subjects are charged,
  • What subjects are emphasized,
  • How to avoid falling for pranks.

The tests will always be similar to the previous ones, no bank takes a completely different exam from the previous year’s edition.

It is common to see the same question with a different wording. Taking old exams is the heart of preparation, but don’t leave it to the last minute, start before you finish all the material or see all the classes online.

In the entrance exam, whoever has more knowledge does not necessarily pass, whoever does better in the test passes.


When doing tests and lists of exercises, many questions will arise. In the classes, you can understand everything, but when solving the questions, you will see the gaps in your knowledge. Take your doubts in the monitoring of the online course.


Another crucial factor for approval is the writing. Even if you do very well in the other tests, a lower grade in essay can end with the long-awaited approval.

Write essays until you get a grade above 9 and keep doing it every week until the day of the test, because it’s very easy to lose practice. Remember that you not only need to write an essay worthy of a competitive course, but also have the practice to do it quickly, so that you have time for the other tests.

Frequent mistakes

Not sleep well

It is during sleep that matter consolidates in the brain and neural connections. Learning efficiently is also synonymous with a good night’s sleep.

Do not review the contents

Also, not reviewing the content is a serious mistake. Learning the subject can even be easy in some cases, but it’s not just for you to learn, you have to keep that subject for months. Only with periodic reviews will this be possible. Remember, the brain only stores what we constantly use!

We have seen that studying at home alone is possible if you have the discipline and know how to study at each of the stages of study.