13 top tips for applying to university in the UK

There are a few steps to apply to university in the UK which are as follows: research your options, make a UCAS application, and receive and accept an offer. To start, you will want to research what universities and degree programs are available to you. Once you have a list of options, you will need […]

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How to study effectively for exams

If you’re looking for ways to study better and get higher grades, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 7 tips to help you get started: Make a study schedule and stick to it. Get plenty of rest and exercise; both help improve brain function. Take breaks and allow yourself time to relax; too […]

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Ways to Study Math While Stuck at Home

If you are stuck at home due to quarantine, try these 8 ways to study math instead of feeling bored and useless. The best part about staying at home during quarantine is that you can spend your time wisely with learning! You can also use this time to catch up on the math you missed […]

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10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python Coding at Home

Coding is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and programming languages like Python are important skills to have on your resume. However, coding can be extremely expensive to learn at a university, but with these 10 reasons, you can learn Python coding at home for free using the resources below. Who knows? […]

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How to study alone at home in 3 phases

Is it possible to pass a competitive entrance exam without taking a face-to-face course, living in the countryside, without good schools and preparatory courses? Not only is it possible, it can be a great option. When studying with an online course , you see the material at your own speed, emphasize the subjects you need most, and review […]

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Why is distance learning so popular? How does it work?

Distance education is a category of education in which the transmission and sharing of knowledge is done through educational technologies . Even before current technologies make such connections possible, some moves towards distance learning were already practiced in Brazil. An example of this is the correspondence courses that have existed in the country since the 1940s. The Post Office and […]

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Learning new skills boosts your confidence!

Learning a new skill can greatly improve the way you feel about yourself, as well as boost your future success. Humans are learning at an almost constant pace, and with the rapidly changing world, we have little choice but to adapt every day. While learning new skills may seem challenging, it’s actually a great way to […]

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6 tips to maintain a study routine

Establishing a study routine is the desire of many people. After all, by creating good habits for this activity, it is possible to perform better and be sure that you are absorbing the content studied. When you have a large volume of material to study, it is common for this demand to generate confusion. Where to start and what […]

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Time management: 6 tactics to be more efficient!

What can you do in 24 hours? Learning a new language, playing a sport and studying are some examples, right? If you think about it, 24 hours is a long time! But, when not used correctly, this period can turn into wasted time. To become a successful person and achieve your goals, there is no secret, you need to pay […]

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