5 Tips for Writing a Great Article for University

Writing an article for university is no easy task, especially if you don’t know where to start or what format it should take. The best approach to writing an article in a university setting is to adhere to the three-pronged structure of Idea – Execution – Presentation while simultaneously meeting all the requirements that your […]

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Time management tips for students

One of the most important things to do when studying is to manage your time wisely. There are a few things you can do to help you make the most of your study time. First, create a study schedule and stick to it. Allotting a set amount of time to study each day will help […]

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Ways to Study Math While Stuck at Home

If you are stuck at home due to quarantine, try these 8 ways to study math instead of feeling bored and useless. The best part about staying at home during quarantine is that you can spend your time wisely with learning! You can also use this time to catch up on the math you missed […]

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How to study alone at home in 3 phases

Is it possible to pass a competitive entrance exam without taking a face-to-face course, living in the countryside, without good schools and preparatory courses? Not only is it possible, it can be a great option. When studying with an online course , you see the material at your own speed, emphasize the subjects you need most, and review […]

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Why is distance learning so popular? How does it work?

Distance education is a category of education in which the transmission and sharing of knowledge is done through educational technologies . Even before current technologies make such connections possible, some moves towards distance learning were already practiced in Brazil. An example of this is the correspondence courses that have existed in the country since the 1940s. The Post Office and […]

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7 ways to boost the learning process with the help of a mind map!

If you still don’t know what a mind map is , don’t worry! We have complete content on the subject on the blog, explaining what it is and how you can create it. In short, a mind map works as a way to organize information visually . You start with a broader concept that branches out into other topics and terms related to it. […]

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How to keep focus on studies during quarantine?

Many students need to know how to stay focused on studies during quarantine . This goes for both college and high school students. After all, the school year is still far from over. That’s why it’s important to keep studying during this period so you don’t get hurt later when classes return, even if it’s by Distance Learning. […]

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5 ways to rest and be productive at home

Home office work has become more frequent in recent months, just as studying at home has become routine for many people. Many people had not tried so many activities to do at home, having to adapt tasks and, in the same way, be productive. But after all, what are the ways to rest and be productive even […]

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Time management: 6 tactics to be more efficient!

What can you do in 24 hours? Learning a new language, playing a sport and studying are some examples, right? If you think about it, 24 hours is a long time! But, when not used correctly, this period can turn into wasted time. To become a successful person and achieve your goals, there is no secret, you need to pay […]

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