5 Tips for Writing a Great Article for University

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Writing an article for university is no easy task, especially if you don’t know where to start or what format it should take. The best approach to writing an article in a university setting is to adhere to the three-pronged structure of Idea – Execution – Presentation while simultaneously meeting all the requirements that your professor has outlined on his syllabus. Here are five tips that will help you write a great article in your literature class

1) Understand the Topic

Before you can start writing an amazing article, you need to understand the topic. This means doing some research and reading about the subject. Once you have a good understanding of the topic, you can start brainstorming ideas for your own article.

2) Write an Outline

1. Start by brainstorming ideas and picking a topic that you’re passionate about.
2. Do some research and make sure you have a solid understanding of the subject matter.
3. Create an outline to help organize your thoughts and keep you on track while writing.
4. Write in your own voice and be sure to proofread your work before submitting it.
5. Use these tips to help you write a great article for university!

3) Breakdown your Research into Points

1. When you’re writing an academic paper, it’s important to make sure that you have a clear argument that you’re trying to communicate.
2. A good way to do this is to break down your research into main points that you want to get across to your reader.
3. Once you have your main points, you can start to flesh out each one with supporting evidence from your research.
4. Be sure to cite all of your sources properly so that your reader can follow along and check them out for themselves if they want more information.
5. Use clear and concise language throughout your paper so that your argument is easy to follow.

4) Use External Sources

When writing an academic paper, it’s important to back up your claims with external sources. This not only strengthens your argument, but also shows that you’ve done your research. When including quotes, be sure to introduce them first and explain why they’re relevant to your topic. Also, make sure to cite all of your sources using the proper format.

5) Get Feedb2ack

A good way to start getting feedback on your writing is to join a writers group. You can find these groups online or at your local library. This will give you a chance to get constructive feedback from other writers.
Another great way to get feedback is to attend workshops and conferences. These events are usually geared towards writers and offer a great opportunity to learn from professionals in the field.
Of course, you can always ask your friends and family for their opinion on your work. But be warned, they may not be as honest as you would like!


In conclusion, writing a great article for university doesn’t have to be difficult. Just follow these five tips: choose a topic you’re interested in, do your research, make an outline, write a draft, edit your work, and get someone else to read it over. With a little effort and planning, you can turn in an impressive article that will get you the grades you want.