Many students need to know how to stay focused on studies during quarantine . This goes for both college and high school students. After all, the school year is still far from over.
That’s why it’s important to keep studying during this period so you don’t get hurt later when classes return, even if it’s by Distance Learning.
The problem is, it’s hard to focus on quarantine with lots of people at home, Netflix on TV, and other distractions.
So, do you know how to keep focus on studies during quarantine? That’s what we’ll see next!
Plan ahead to know how to stay focused on studies during quarantine
Planning is the biggest weapon for those who want to keep their focus on studies during the quarantine period. After all, it facilitates decision making and helps to deal with the easier issues of this situation.
So sit down for a few minutes and put together a planning list with everything you need so you can focus on your studies.
Start by setting a time to study during the day and a weekly schedule of subjects. If possible, follow the same schedule that your school or university had offered before the arrival of the coronavirus in Brazil .
If this is not possible, pay the same proportion of your classes as study periods for each subject. If you have 6 math periods a week, for example, set aside 6 periods to study the subject.
This way, it will be easier to get into a study routine and routine is one of the biggest allies to stay focused.
Prepare a space for studies in your home
One of the problems that get in the way is knowing how to keep focus on studies during quarantine, as it is a fact that our house is not prepared to study.
In addition to you, your home should have your parents, who are home from work. Probably a younger or older brother too.
If you have a grandpa or grandpa, chances are they are spending time with your family. There are 4, 5 people together, which generates a lot of distractions, noises and conversations, all elements that impair concentration when studying.
So prepare a corner of the house to be your study corner. Set aside a table, a comfortable chair and take all your study materials to work in that space.
Eliminate the need to leave the study place
Suppose you are in the middle of a math equation or reading a complex text for your Art History class. You suddenly feel thirsty and you get up to go to the kitchen.
When you get there, your father asks if you would like rice balls for lunch. On the way to the living room, your mother is working on the computer and asks you to get a book from the shelf for her.
Your younger brother asks for your help in finding a specific video on YouTube. At this point, 30 minutes have passed and you have completely lost your mind on your task.
So, prepare yourself with everything you need so you don’t leave your study corner and prevent the distractions of the house from harming your flow.
Use the Pomodoro Technique to Increase Your Productivity
The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most used in relation to productivity in study or work. Therefore, she is the ally of those who want to know how to stay focused on studies during quarantine.
In practice, the technique works as follows:
- You must work for 25 minutes straight without interruption;
- After your period, take a break of 3 to 5 minutes;
- Return to work for another full 25 minutes;
- After 4 work cycles with short breaks, take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.
By breaking your work schedule into small chunks, the Pomodoro Technique goes a long way in keeping your productivity level high without tiring your brain.
In addition, it is especially useful if you can “fit” the study topics into those 25 minutes. For example, each period of a subject could be two cycles of the Technique.
This helps to increase motivation, stay focused and lessen the chance of distractions so you can focus on studying.
Give up your cell phone or computer when studying
If you use your cell phone or computer to study, it’s good to get away from them if you want to stay focused in this quarantine.
That’s because they are true productivity monsters, especially if you are very active on social media, receive email marketing or have a lot of WhatsApp conversations.
Each “peek” on these platforms can take 10, 20 or even 30 minutes of your focus and prevent you from getting into the rhythm of studying.
These are the main ways to stay focused on studies during quarantine. So, follow our tips to keep up with your subject and not fall behind when you go back to school or college.
In times of social isolation, you can also take the opportunity to learn a new language or a quick course of interest. This way, you can relax during the period you are not studying your high school or college subjects.