The life of studying to pass the entrance exam or facing the challenges of a college is not easy. However, there are certain technologies for students that can make it a little easier.
Of course, technology by itself does not make a student the best in his class. It is necessary to learn how to use the tools to exploit the maximum gain they offer for your study sessions.
However, if you know what the most innovative and effective student technologies are, you are one step closer to optimizing your study sessions. Want to know more about it? Then continue reading the article to check out some examples of technologies that can be used by you!
- The Internet is one of the main technologies for students
This technology may seem like a “cheat” on our part, but it is much more powerful than you think. Of course, you already know the Internet – after all, it is because of it that you can read this article!
However, do you really understand the benefits of networking for your studies? In fact, the Internet connection is a very powerful tool to increase your chances of success when studying.
The most obvious part you probably already know: with the Internet, you can visit sites and learn about the most diverse subjects in the world, from Keynesianism to a summary of road transport in Brazil. Pretty cool huh?
In addition, you can still have access to millions of hours of videos on YouTube with explanations of the most varied subjects, solving classic textbook problems and much more.
However, the Internet can offer much more than that. From Google Scholar , which has a massive compilation of academic materials, to tools to help you stay focused and productive in your study.
So don’t underestimate the power of the tool you have in the palm of your hand right now. An internet connection can be the difference between a high or low grade on your next exam!
- Virtual reality is a very powerful tool for learning
Despite being still very little used (mostly because of the high cost of equipment), virtual reality is a technology with great power to change society in the coming years. Starting with education, of course.
With it, it is possible to take the student anywhere: from present- day Canada to Eastern Antiquity, through Space, the Human Body and much more. With this, it is possible to see in more detail visual reproductions that help to absorb information more easily.
For now, examples of the use of Virtual Reality are still few, but the technology is becoming popular year after year and, soon, it will be able to be adopted more widely.
- Games are excellent education materials
Yes, it’s true that video games can be a distraction in your routine. After all, who never stopped what they were doing for a League of Legends match “just for 10 minutes” and spent the entire afternoon playing?
However, they are also excellent learning tools if there is a direction for it. Both commercial games, such as the Assassin’s Creed series (which transports the player to various moments in history, such as Ancient Greece or American Independence), as well as educational games, made with the purpose of teaching mathematics, languages, increasing vocabulary and much most.
- Smartphone apps are useful for studying
According to an international study, you are more likely to be reading this article on a cell phone than on a desktop computer. After all, online traffic via mobile devices has finally surpassed that via desktops.
This information comes in line with various other data that show the popularity of smartphones. For example, did you know that there are more active cell phones than people?
Because of this, it is not absurd to say that mobile devices are part of the most diverse areas of our life. Even when studying.
There are many apps that help a student, from those that simulate the Pomodoro Technique (great for increasing productivity) to Rappi Restaurants, which delivers that snack you needed to satisfy your hunger between geography lessons.
- Flipped Classroom is a technique with a lot of impact on learning
Despite not being a technology in the most common sense of the term, the flipped classroom technique is an excellent way to enhance student study.
Basically, the methodology consists of making the student learn the theory of a lesson at home, using a virtual learning environment, with video lessons, texts and other content. The student must then assemble a material that will be presented to colleagues in a weekly meeting, where everyone can discuss the agenda in question, set up projects and work together to absorb the knowledge.
You can see that there are many good technologies for students at your disposal, right? With them, it will be easier to prepare to pass the year, win the entrance exam or deal with that most difficult subject in college